Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dear Non Traditional Friend

Dear Special Friend,

Something about you makes you a tad bit non traditional by the definitions of the world or our society.

Maybe you are single.  Perhaps you don't have children. Maybe you love another woman. You could be the bread winner.  Or you're a single mom.  Who knows, maybe you have been married and divorced as many times as Elizabeth Taylor.  Maybe your kids go to a different kind of school or you homeschool.  Could be all the people that live around you don't look like you or aren't from the country you are from.  Politically you may disagree with the majority.  You could be the "black sheep" of your family.  You're the girl in the mostly boy job/field.  Your baby was conceived in an operating room instead of a bedroom.  Whatever it is, you're a bit of a mold breaker.  

In many ways we're all a mold breaker.  Some of us, feel it more than others.  I freaking hate society for making those dancing to a different drum feel any less of a woman.   And boy oh boy do I believe we beat ourselves up if we can't seem to conform to what we think we ought to be.

I'd just like to go on record by saying, you my lady are a hero.  You are the spice to life.  If we weren't all defying the norm in some way or another, womanhood and humanity wouldn't be as rich and meaningful.  

You are you. Take pride in knowing you've been created to put your special stamp on the world.  Surround yourself with people who honor your differences and inspire you to keep going. Forget about those who don't! You so don't need them!

Thank you for making the world a better place by being authentic, real and amazing!

Your Admirer and Fan 

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